Here’s what Body By Nature have to say:
Are you sleeping poorly? Doctors say it's
important to look at your lifestyle -- too much caffeine, too little exercise,
or too much late-night work or TV. If lifestyle changes aren't enough,
medications can help. But supplements may also help provide a peaceful night's
sleep. Taken before bed time aids to a restfull nights sleep.
Comes in an easy to swallow form of
capsule. It is one of the most important nutrientsbecause it is involved
in over 300 processes in the body, yet research has shown in the UK
that we don’t consume enough of this essential mineral. Today’s food is
hugely stripped of magnesium due to the way it is processed which results in
many peoples intake falling below the RDA. Magnesium activates enzymes
necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. It also
helps promote the absorption and metabolism of other minerals and vitamins.
Magnesium can be found in foods such
as nuts and grains, fish, and meat but if your diet doesn’t contain
many of these sources, then this supplement from Body By Nature is essential.
Magnesium plays a large part in activating the enzymes necessary for many of
the physiological functions, including cardiac function, and the regulation of
the acid- alkalinebalance in the body. Suitable for anyone and everyone
who may need it.
Magnesium citrate
elemental Magnesium
If your diet is a bit sparse in nuts, fresh
fish or unprocessed meat then you might need 2 tablets a day to meet the RDI
but I imagine meat, fish and nuts are staple for most of you.
£11.62 for a tub with 90 capsules in –
potentially 3 months worth.
This product is effective but might not be
needed by many of you. If you don’t eat a lot of fresh fish or unprocessed meat
then you may be magnesium deficient but as you are all interested in fitness
either to a professional level or at least as a dedicated hobby then you will already
be eating healthily which no doubt consists of lots of meat, fish and nuts and
possibly even taking a ZMA supplement. If this is the case then you probably
won’t need this. If you are a vegetarian or vegan then you may be magnesium deficient.
If you feel that you are in need of a
Magnesium boost then BBN Magnesium Citrate is perfect for you it will assist
your body to properly handle carbs and it will ensure you get an amazing nights
sleep. This really does help you get a great night sleep, you’ll sleep like a
baby. I suppose there is a case to be made for taking this just as a sleeping
aid, after all sleep = growth and recovery.
It is certainly a lot cheaper than some
over the counter products and once again BBN leads the way in only using
natural ingredients and providing great value. So I guess what I’m trying to
say is that it is a great supplement but the fitness community on the whole
probably won’t benefit fully from it. 7/10
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