Wednesday 8 October 2014

PPS Nutrition Hybrid


Here is what PPS Nutrition have to say:

Hybrid All-in-One combines all the essential supplements you need to achieve your training and physique goals in one great- tasting protein shake.
Each tub delivers 37 servings, each packing over 30 grams of quality protein, for a phenomenal value price. This premium All-in-One can’t be beat as a total recovery solution.

Hybrid All-in-One combines a premium protein blend (inc. Whey Concentrate & Whey Isolate) with added L-Glutamine to promote muscle gains, H.M.B to prevent muscle breakdown, Pre-Biotics to assist in effective protein absorption and Creatine Monohydrate to aid lean muscle development and lifting power.
Nutritional Information
All-In-One’s like this should aim to give you most, if not all, of your supplements in one shake. Along side the 31.2g of protein we have creatine, glutamine and HMB. That is more or less what you expect to see, nothing particularly ground breaking in there.

The protein itself is made up of Whey Concentrate, Casein and Soy (don’t panic). The carbs are mostly quick acting sugars to help with recovery and there are some healthy fats thrown in as well.

This is the first Banoffee flavoured shake that I have liked, it mixes up very well with about 250-300ml of water and creates this thick shake with a great flavour. There is no after taste or powdery texture.

Side Effects

£39.99 for a 2.25kg tub with 37 servings in.

Some people are against All-In-One supplements and prefer to handle the exact quantities and timing themselves but I think they can be quite convenient and sometimes cheaper than buying the individual supplements.

Hybrid is probably most effective when used post workout but it could just as easily be slipped in between meals. As with most all-in-one’s you probably wouldn’t want to take more than one serving a day. It’s not a bulking supplement you could easily use this during a cutting cycle as the glutamine and HMB would actually help muscle retention.

I imagine people have already picked up on that this has Soy protein in and before you grab your pitchforks and start a lynch mob let me just say that there is no evidence that Soy protein lowers testosterone or has any negative side effects especially when taken in this kind of quantity. The “soy studies” were sketchy at best.

PPS Nutrition’s Hybrid seems to have it all, it has a good nutritional breakdown even including HMB (personally I think its an underrated supplement), no side effects, great taste, easy to mix and its priced very competitively. I like Hybrid, in fact I like pretty much everything about it. It is easily one of the better all-in-one products that I’ve tried. 9/10

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