Here's what Bio-Synergy have to say:
Bio-Synergy Whey Hey is a delicious,
light and refreshing whey protein powder.
With over 21 grams of protein and 4.8 grams
of BCAAs per serving, this low-fat, gluten free protein powder is enough to
make anyone go nuts. Don’t be shy, grab a tub of Whey Hey and #MakeItHappen

A nice simple “pure” protein powder.
Nothing added, no fancy extras, just a supplement to help you hit macros. Keeping
it simple like this should ensure that it can be slotted into every diet plan.
We always need more protein!
Fats have been kept fairly low and the protein content
is fine at 21.5g of Whey Protein Concentrate and a little bit of Milk Protein.
The only thing that is a bit out of place is the sugar content which is a
fairly high 7.22g per shake. This comes from both the coconut flavouring and
We have sampled both the coconut and
watermelon flavours and they are amazing. The coconut is the best tasting shake
on the market. Period. No competition. You could drop a little rum in it and
have it is a cocktail! Just make sure you like coconut before you order as it
is a strong flavour. The watermelon is also a very strong tasting shake – I was
less keen on this one but other members of the team lapped it up. They are both fairly sweet tasting but not in a sickly way.
Both Coconut and Watermelon are priced at £49.99
for 2.25kg providing 64 servings. So you're looking at £0.78 a serving which isn’t
that bad when you put it like that.
Taste is king here. Bio-Synergy have
obviously set out to make the best tasting shake they could. The nutritional
content has suffered slightly because of this plan but they definitely succeeded
in making an amazing tasting shake. Both of their offerings taste fantastic but
its you’re stance on the high sugar content that will probably sway you one way
or the other with Whey Hey.
Since this is a pure protein product you
could in theory place it in any supplement stack on any diet plan but, again,
the sugar content might stop you on a strict cutting cycle. If you’re bulking,
maintaining or just don’t care about the sugar then Whey Hey will make a great
shake to take postworkout – you can then at least put the sugars to work.
The price seems a lot on the surface but
once you split it out to the per serving amount its actually really
In summary: Sugars bad. Taste amazing.