Monday, 13 June 2016

Ride The Lightning


Here is what they have to say:

Ride The Lightning is engineered to give you a unique and intense training experience with an explosive, skin shredding pump effect. A great tasting pre-workout, suitable for both men and women.

Nutritional Information
A basic but potent 5 ingredient build. Hopefully no-one here needs to be told how useful Creatine is so all we’ll say on that is that it is in the most tested and widely considered “best” form, Monohydrate. Caffeine is kept fairly moderate at 300mg but a double scoop will net you between 3 and 4 cups of coffee worth (600mg).

Arginine AKG is an amino acid that helps with muscle pumps and improving general performance. Beta Alanine is the ingredient that makes you tingle but it also improves stamina and delays muscular fatigue. Tyrosine also helps endurance and plays a vital role in delaying muscular fatigue.

All of the ingredients are effectively dosed.

It currently only comes in Fruit Punch Fury which tastes very weak with one scoop and far too powerful with two scoops. The taste isn’t bad but I just haven’t been able to get it quite right with the water levels. It mixes up fine and has no aftertaste.

Some of the team have taken to using less water and almost taking it as a shot. Each to their own I guess.

Side Effects
The first few time it was used the tingles were very pronounced but that calmed down after several uses.

£21.99 for a tub with 50 servings in (assuming 1 scoop)

Ride The Lightning promised to be the strongest preworkout we have ever tried. Some of the team agreed – others didn’t! Ride The Lightning uses a tried and tested formula so we knew that the doses were great and had a rough idea of what we’d be going to experience. The female reviewers were content with one scoop but the male ones found that two scoops were needed to really make an impact.

The energy rush is quite intense and hits hard and fast – about 10 minutes after consuming it you’ll feel the rush. Worth bearing in mind when you take it as I had it hit me when I was still on the way to the gym and preworkout in traffic is no fun at all. The pump is pretty good but nothing mind blowing or painful. Super high reps aren’t required – anything over 8 and you’ll feel it kicking in.

The real star of Ride The Lightning is the endurance. Once I upgraded to two scoops I didn’t tire out. I could easily complete my workout, then cardio, then my partners workout, then a triathlon, then return a gold ring to Mordor etc. You just don’t get tired. Muscular fatigue is greatly delayed as well – I wouldn’t say strength was increased but if you can normally lift it for 5 then you’ll be able to hit 8 or 9 easily.

Another bonus is it’s quite cheap! Coming it at only 43p per serving.

Whilst Ride The Lightning probably wasn’t the strongest preworkout we’ve ever had it certain ranks as one of the greats due to its price point and expolsive energy that doesn’t fade. 8.5/10

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