Wednesday, 29 April 2015


 Image result for sci mx cla

Here’s what Sci-MX has to say:

One of the worlds most highly researched and highly respected weight management compounds. Produced by extracting precise essential oils from safflower it provides four active isomers which bind to fat molecules and promote their metabolism into energy. CLA 1000 LEANCORE is the highest strength and purest form available with high percentages of the c9/t11 and t10/c12 isomers.

DIET SUPPORT: Helps maintain a fat loss diet by providing essential fatty acids the body is unable to produce.
CHOLESTEROL CONTROL: Linoleic acid may help to maintain normal blood cholesterol concentrations.
MAXIMUM EFFECT: 1000mg softgels include 2 active isomers c9,t11 and t10,c12, plus natural tocopherols.

Nutritional Information

Per Daily Serving                                  3 soft-gels

Conjugated linoleic acid                        3000mg
  (of which c9,t11 isomers)                    1140mg
  (of which t10,c12 isomers)                  1170mg
Natural tocopherols                              250ppm

3000mg is within the effective range for the majority of men and women.

None – it doesn’t have an aftertaste either.

Side Effects

£27.56 for 90 capsules or 30 supply on max dosage.

CLA isn’t a fat burner it merely assists in the process by making fat available to be used as fuel. The effective range for CLA dosing is 3000-4000mg for men and 2000-3500mg for women, this is of course an average, Sci-MX CLA on max dosage provides 3000mg a day so it's within the range for both genders but will likely be more effective with women then men.

If this is paired with a dedicated fat burner, good diet plan and strong exercise plan involving both weights and cardio then yes this will help you burn blubber fairly quickly. I have no concerns over the quality of the product but the price is very expensive for a CLA product which are usually around the £10-15 mark. Fortunately Sci-MX usually have this either on offer or in a bundle with a protein or fat burner. The product is good but the price point is a bit off, if you can find it on offer or in a bundle then great if not then you might want shop around. 6/10

Body By Nature Magnesium Citrate

 Magnesium Citrate (4 Pack)

Here’s what Body By Nature have to say:

Are you sleeping poorly? Doctors say it's important to look at your lifestyle -- too much caffeine, too little exercise, or too much late-night work or TV. If lifestyle changes aren't enough, medications can help. But supplements may also help provide a peaceful night's sleep. Taken before bed time aids to a restfull nights sleep.

Comes in an easy to swallow form of capsule. It is one of the most important nutrientsbecause it is involved in over 300 processes in the body, yet research has shown in the UK that we don’t consume enough of this essential mineral. Today’s food is hugely stripped of magnesium due to the way it is processed which results in many peoples intake falling below the RDA. Magnesium activates enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. It also helps promote the absorption and metabolism of other minerals and vitamins.

Magnesium can be found in foods such as nuts and grains, fish, and meat but if your diet doesn’t contain many of these sources, then this supplement from Body By Nature is essential. Magnesium plays a large part in activating the enzymes necessary for many of the physiological functions, including cardiac function, and the regulation of the acid- alkalinebalance in the body. Suitable for anyone and everyone who may need it.

Nutritional Information

Magnesium citrate
    providing elemental Magnesium

If your diet is a bit sparse in nuts, fresh fish or unprocessed meat then you might need 2 tablets a day to meet the RDI but I imagine meat, fish and nuts are staple for most of you.


Side Effects

£11.62 for a tub with 90 capsules in – potentially 3 months worth.

This product is effective but might not be needed by many of you. If you don’t eat a lot of fresh fish or unprocessed meat then you may be magnesium deficient but as you are all interested in fitness either to a professional level or at least as a dedicated hobby then you will already be eating healthily which no doubt consists of lots of meat, fish and nuts and possibly even taking a ZMA supplement. If this is the case then you probably won’t need this. If you are a vegetarian or vegan then you may be magnesium deficient.

If you feel that you are in need of a Magnesium boost then BBN Magnesium Citrate is perfect for you it will assist your body to properly handle carbs and it will ensure you get an amazing nights sleep. This really does help you get a great night sleep, you’ll sleep like a baby. I suppose there is a case to be made for taking this just as a sleeping aid, after all sleep = growth and recovery.

It is certainly a lot cheaper than some over the counter products and once again BBN leads the way in only using natural ingredients and providing great value. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that it is a great supplement but the fitness community on the whole probably won’t benefit fully from it. 7/10

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Cognizance Shape Shifter

Here’s what Cognizance have to say:

Natural ingredients to lose weight safely and effectively.

Control on Appetite
Products appetite suppressing properties have enabled users to stop snacking in between meals and get control over their food cravings.

Energy Increase
Early feedback has shown that Shape Shifter has increased the energy of its users dramatically, allowing them to take their training to the next level.

Weight Loss
Testimonials have shown that just by introducing Shape Shifter into an active users diet can improve weight loss by over 800%.

Nutritional Information

Citrus Aurantium                                   350
Green Coffee Extract                            10
Green Tea Extract                                400
Guarana Extract w/ 10% Caffeine         100
L-Phenylalanine                                    25
Niacin                                                  10
Red Pepper Extract                              100
Vitamin B                                             65

Green Coffee and Green Tea are both proven fat burners and generously dosed here. Citrus Aurantium is making a bit of a come back these days and appearing in more and more fat burners, its similar to the popular Ephedra but without the severe side effects unfortunately its not quite as effective as Ephedra. Phenylalanine is an anti-depressant and appetite suppressant as is Red Pepper Extract.

It’s a well thought out build and the doses are in the “effective” range.

The tablets don’t have a taste or aftertaste. They are easy to swallow with water, the max serving is 3 capsules twice a day so you won’t be taking an excessive amount.

Side Effects
Nothing reported.

£20.00 for 100 capsules which on max dosage will last you 16 days so 2 tubs for a month. We have an exclusive discount code below though to help make this even better value.

First up no one increased their fat burnt by 800% but I’m not going to hold “marketing speak” against Cognizance everyone has to do it at some point. The team at Cognizance have obviously thought this fat burner through, its made with effective ingredients that have been thoroughly researched and dosed at optimal levels for the majority of people. Shape Shifter will be most effective for a certain type of people – the snackers and the overeaters. Most fat burners tend to just boost your metabolism and make fat available to be burnt and whilst Shape Shifter does do this what we feel that it excels at is as an appetite suppressant.

Its not a starvation drug that means you can’t eat but it certainly limits what you can eat, I normally eat 5 meals and maybe 2 protein shakes on a workout day but 3 medium sized meals and a shake was more than enough for me whilst I was trialling this. This alone would promote fast weight loss in the majority of people, eliminating overeating and the midnight munchies would fix 90% of the issue when it comes to fat loss in average people. Then when you throw in the metabolism boosting ingredients you have a potent formula.

There are no jitters associated with Shape Shifter or any side effects actually. £40 a month is fairly steep but there are more expensive less effective Fat Burners on the market. I would recommend running it for at least a month on maximum dosage to see results ideally a 2 month cycle for maximum results. The bottom line is Shape Shifter is a very effective appetite suppressant and a decent fat burner so if you struggle with overeating or dipping into the chocolate cupboard then this is for you! 9/10

Use discount code UKSUPP2015 to get 20% off!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Sci-MX OmniMX Rippedcore


Here’s what Sci-MX have to say:

Our state-of-the-art all in one muscle gain shake in an extreme high protein/low carb version for a ripped, muscular physique with low body fat percentage. Contains all the most effective muscle gain compounds in optimum doses.
ULTRA LEAN PROTEIN TO CARB RATIO: 36g protein, 19g carbohydrates and 262 calories per serving contribute to ultra lean muscle gain.
9-HOUR MUSCLE SUPPORT: Fast, medium and slow release proteins continually deliver amino acids to muscle for up to 9 hours.
WORKOUT POWER: Creatine increases physical performance during short-term, high-intensity, repeated exercise bouts.
ANABOLIC EFFECT: Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity, supporting a normal anabolic drive.
TESTOSTERONE SUPPORT: ZMA with zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal serum testosterone concentrations.
COMBATS WORKOUT FATIGUE: Optimum levels of vitamin B6 and magnesium help reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Nutritional Information

Nutritional information

Per 70g Serving

(2 heaped scoops)
GRS 9-Hour® protein
 (of which BCAAs)
 (of which glutamine)
 (of which glutamine peptides)
Cross-Action™ carbohydrates
Creatine monohydrate
Actilight® fibre
MCT oil
 (of which vitamin B6)
 (of which magnesium)
 (of which zinc)

Nutritional profile

Per 70g Serving
Protein (on dry matter)
Carbohydrates (sugars)
19.2g (13.4g)
Fat (saturates)
4.6g (2.2g)

Rippedcore is supposed to be used as a postworkout whist cutting. The protein is the same formula as can be found in their GRS 9HR shake – we have previously reviewed that product and really liked it so right away I know the foundation of this product is quality. As it’s a postworkout there are fast acting carbs included to aid in recovery and growth but they haven't gone overboard with them to keep the calorie count manageable. 

The extras included are Creatine in the standard 5g dose, MCT Oil & Chromium are both useful for fat loss and ZMA is a great aid for muscle maintenance.

On paper it looks like a strong formula.

I used the Chocolate flavour for this review and it wasn’t quite to my taste but others in the team enjoyed it. It always mixed up smooth and wasn’t gritty unless you left it overnight. It doesn’t have an aftertaste either.

Side Effects

£59.99 for a 2.1kg tub which has 30 servings in.

Sci-MX are very reliable for churning out top quality products. I don’t think I’ve had one from them yet that disappointed. This is no exception, its very well made with well thought-out and precisely dosed ingredients. The protein that they use is a good mix of fast and slow proteins to not only aid recovery but also keep hunger pains at bay. Surprisingly there isn't a dedicated fat burner included but rather Sci-MX have chosen to focus on recovery and muscle maintenance during the diet than direct fat loss. In my opinion that is the right way to do it, Sci-MX have got it right!

The chocolate flavour isn’t their best but I’m confident that the Strawberry or Vanilla would be delicious. As usual Sci-MX products come with a hefty price tag - £2 a serving! If you were to run the recommended 2 shakes a day then you would run out in 15 days! I recommend only using this postworkout if you choose to buy it, then it’ll last much longer and you can stock up with a cheaper casein or whey for your daily needs. The only drawback to this product is the price tag, if you can justify that then this would absolutely make an excellent choice whilst dieting. 8.5/10

Body By Nature Detox Support

 Detox Support (4 Pack)

Here’s what BBN have to say:

Detox Support comprises of the following natural nutrients:
Spirulina 200mg (contains chlorophyll) - Chlorophyll and associated phytonutrients provide natural chelating support, particularly for heavy metal. Chlorophyll also promotes bile flow and enhances the mobilisation of mercury compartmentalized in non-neurologic structures such as the gut wall, 91 muscles, ligaments, connective tissue, and bone.
Garlic 200mg – Garlic is protective of blood cells from oxidative damage. It contains sulph-hydryl groups which oxidise mercury, cadmium and lead making them water soluble to enable excretion via urine and also inhibit storage. Also allicin helps to protect against microbial infections associated with heave metal overload.
Vitamin C 200mg – Vitamin C helps to conjugate and remove water soluble toxins. It also elevates body antioxidant resources and helps to mobilise mercury and other metals from intracellular stores.
Manganese 6mg – Manganese is often depleted in people with heavy metal burden as most heavy metals lower manganese levels.
Zinc 5mg – Lead and cadmium inhibit zinc dependant enzymes and exert more of a toxic effect in the presence of zinc deficiency. Zinc is also a universal chelator and hence the mineral is always needed in good quantities during detoxification.

Nutritional Information

Vitamin C
Garlic (Allium Sativum)

Well BBN have done my job for me with a fairly thorough breakdown of the above ingredients.

There isn’t a taste although you do get a slight aftertaste but if you drink a glass of water after taking the tablet that soon remedies that issue.

Side Effects
Upset stomach during the first week but I think that was the “detox” effect.

£11.74 for 2 months supply.

Detox products aren’t for everyone but if you want to have a bit of a “cleanse” then this could be a cost effective way of speeding up the process. Although there is 60 daily tablets in the tub I doubt anyone’s detox will last more than 30 days, so you could run another cycle later in the year. This isn't supposed to be taken on an ongoing basis so cycles of 1 month at a time should be ideal.

I certainly felt better at the end of the process, I also noticed that my skin was a lot better so that was a plus. If you are coming off a long bulking season then there is a good chance that there are a lot of unwanted toxins running around in your body and you could do with a bit of a clean out. As this is Body By Nature there are no chemicals and everything is natural which is obviously ideal for a Detox product.

£11.74 for 2 months supply or more realistically 2 cycles which could be 6 months apart is amazing value. This is the cheapest supplement I’ve seen so far that includes Spirulina and 1 of the reasons why I think this is a fantastic product. Admittedly Detox Support won’t be for everyone but for those who are looking to run a detox this is easily top of the pile. 9/10

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Smart Protein Optimum Whey

Optimum Whey Protein

Here’s what Smart Protein have to say:

Our best selling product, Optimum Whey is a high quality whey protein supplement, formulated to support effective muscle repair, growth and well-being in anyone who trains regularly.
The main protein in this formula is 'whey protein concentrate' which offers easy absorption for effective post-workout muscle delivery. To distinguish this product from other whey proteins on the market we have added effective amounts of whey isolate and hydrolysate (faster digesting proteins), to boost the speed of amino acid delivery to your muscles. If you are looking for the fastest digesting and highest quality protein that we offer, then you should look at our Elite Whey Isolate, however, due to the processes required to make this product it comes with a higher price.
Research suggests that getting protein to trained muscles quickly after exercise is essential to support effective repair and growth, which makes whey a great choice. What's more, this type of protein is considered to have the highest 'biological value' (BV) - a scientific way of rating how well the nutrient can be used by the body to repair and grow muscle. Our Optimum Whey is cold filtered from fresh milk to create a supplement that contains 80% protein, with 24g protein per serving, but just 2g carbs and 1.6g fat.
Nutritional Information 
Per 30g serving
Energy (Kcal)
Energy (Kj)
Protein (dry basis) (g)
Carbohydrates (g)
Carbohydrates of which Sugars (g)
Fat (g)
Fat of which Saturates (g)
Sodium (mg)
Fibre (g)
24g of protein is a decent amount and it’s comprised of Whey Protein Concentrate, Isolate & Hydrolysate. Optimum Whey has kept the carbs and fats fairly low so it can be used by anyone regardless of cycle.

It contains milk so not too good for Lactose intolerant people.

I had the Vanilla flavour and was pleasantly surprised. It mixed up very well and the vanilla tasted great. There was no unpleasant aftertaste or smell.

Side Effects

£19.95 for a 1kg bag with 33 servings in.

There are an awful lot of proteins on the market so it can be difficult to choose which one, you can go by nutritional content, price, taste or even brand. Smart Protein scores well across the board, it has a good profile, its very cheap and it tastes pretty great too. The profile could be altered slightly to make it better – using Stevia instead of Sucralose for one – but for 99% of people out there this would be more than sufficient. 24g of protein should be enough for most people to fit in between meals so they reach their goals if not then doubling up the shakes is an option, it does affect the consistency slightly but not to the point where it is undrinkable.

This could be used post workout but I always recommend a dedicated post workout with plenty of carbs in but it does make a good shake to have between meals to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders and your muscles fed.

There are no “extras” in Optimum Whey so you’ll likely need to supplement with creatine amongst others as well as this but as a versatile, everyday protein source I think Smart Protein makes a solid choice. 7/10

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Protein Fusion Time Release


Here’s what Protein Fusion have to say:

Fusion Time Release protein matrix including 6 ultra-premium protein blends.
Fusion Time Release is an advanced, multi-stage time release protein blend made up of fast, medium and slow digesting proteins which provide optimum absorption for up to 8 hours. This continuous release of protein results in sustained amino acid levels which aid tissue repair, increase protein synthesis and maximise lean muscle growth. 

Fusion Time Release is an ultra-premium blend of:
De-lactosed Pure Whey Protein Concentrate, Pure Whey Protein Isolate, Miscellar Casein, Milk Protein Concentrate, Egg Albumen, Soya Protein Isolate.

These proteins all offer unique rates of absorption and this supreme combination has been designed so that your muscles will receive the right protein they need when they need it. Fusion time release has also been fortified with BCAA’S making it the perfect anabolic formula for increasing muscle size, strength and fat loss and due to its time release formula can be consumed any time of the day for optimum results. 

Nutritional Information

I like the fact you get the full split of the proteins – makes my job a bit easier and means that Protein Fusion aren’t hiding anything. The Carb/Sugar content suggests to me that Protein Fusion are thinking of this as post-workout shake rather than a bedtime one. The blend of fast, medium and slow digesting proteins whilst isn’t the optimum for a post workout would still work. Could be very handy for a cutting cycle when you need your post workout to keep you going for a while.

The Vanilla flavour tastes very pleasant and mixes up perfectly in a standard blender. There were no lumps and it had no aftertaste. I did try doubling the shake up but it worked much better as a single serving.

Side Effects

£19.99 for a tub with 18 servings.

Time Release is a protein blend that lends itself very well to being consumed at night….if you have the calories to accommodate the high sugar content. A strange move by Protein Fusion to make a bedtime shake with so much sugar. High sugar content supplements lend themselves to the post workout window because it helps kick start recovery and growth but traditionally you want fast acting proteins not a blend. You do get 10.3g of fast acting protein, 6g of medium and 10g of slow digesting protein so does Time Release have a place in your post workout stack? Well that depends on your goal, if you’re bulking then you will want more calories in you P/WO but if you are on a calorie restricted diet then this may work in your favour. The blend of proteins will keep you fuller for longer and the sugar won’t negatively impact your diet.

So in a strange twist I would recommend that you use this:
Bulking = any time but P/WO
Cutting = P/WO only

Time Release does taste very nice and is quite fairly priced so whether you’ll find this product useful or not really depends on your goal, calorie allowance and tolerance to carbs. 6.5/10

Body By Nature Premium Fish Oil

 Premium Fish Oil (4 Pack)

Here is what Body By Nature have to say:

These natural nutrients collectively bestow wide-ranging cardiovascular support - to help maintain good heart health. Our Premium Fish Oil contains high potency Fish Oil, Vitamin D3, K2, CoQ10, Lycopene and Resveratrol and comes in easy to take, gluten-free capsules.

There is more research and evidence of the benefits of fish oil for cardiovascular health than any other single substance. Fish Oil is rich in EPA/DHA (essential fatty acids) and provides an array of protective factors for the cardiovascular system reducing inflammation of the arteries lowering triglyceride levels and reducing the stickiness of platelets. Additionally fish oil will help maintain normal blood pressure and help keep blood triglycerides (including cholesterol) within healthy limits.
Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) contributes to:
The maintenance of normal brain function
The maintenance of normal vision
The maintenance of normal cardiac function
The maintenance of normal blood pressure
The maintenance of normal (fasting) blood concentrations of triglycerides

Nutritional Information

Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2
Eicosapentaenoic acid
Docosahexaenoic acid
CoQ10 (as Ubiquinol)

With a lot of fish oil products you tend to get a relatively low dose of EPA/DHA and not a lot else but Body By Nature have looked to add a bit more to make an already essential supplement more beneficial to your cardiovascular health.

CoQ10 is a powerful anti-oxidant and important for the health of your heart, Lycopene & Resveratrol is useful for helping blood pressure and cholesterol.

None – some fish oil supplements have a distinctly fishy taste and smell but I didn’t notice one.

Side Effects

£16.74 or a tub with 60 capsules in.

I view a good fish oil supplements as essential for everyone to take on a daily basis. I already rate Body By Nature very highly because there is nothing synthetic in there products so I was pleasantly surprised to see the care that’s gone into this supplement. This is more than another fish oil supplement. This is a complete heart/cholesterol care kit.

Personally I think that 1 capsule a day would be enough for most people but if you wanted to use it as a boost to help specifically for cholesterol then you could increase it to 2 a day. If you taking 1 day then it works out to 27p per day to keep your heart and cholesterol in good condition and I think that is great value. Body By Nature is fast becoming the go to source for daily health supplements and with good reason, their products are fantastic! 9.5/10

Monday, 13 April 2015

Scitec Liver Support


Here’s what Scitec have to say:

LIVER SUPPORT contains the widely known herb Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum), a source of Silymarin, which is traditionally used for supporting liver function.

Nutritional Information

Serving size: 1 capsule
Servings per container: 80
Amount per serving

Milk Thistle
250 mg

(Silyburn marianum (seed) from a 4:1 extract, equivalent to 1,000 mg of Milk Thistle)

The capsules aren’t overly large and are fairly easy to swallow. They don’t have a nasty aftertaste or smell.

Side Effects
I didn’t notice any but it can cause mild stomach upset in some people.

£8.59 for a tub with 80 capsules in.

Milk Thistle is supposed to detoxify the liver, protect its vital functions and keep it running optimally. This is not a OCT product so don’t use it to protect your liver whilst you use “stronger” supplements.

If you take a lot of tablets/supplements then your liver might have taken a bit of a pounding over the months and to keep your liver running optimally then you might need to either have a complete break from supplements or give it a bit of help from time to time with a product like this. Milk Thistle is a gentle product to work away in the background and help get your liver back in top condition. This isn't a supplement that you need to take year round but a 30 day course every few months would work wonders for keeping your liver healthy in the long term.

Its very reasonably priced and would be a great addition to your supplement cupboard. 7/10

Friday, 10 April 2015

Bio Synergy Body Perfect


Here’s what Bio Synergy have to say:

Body Perfect is an award winning product, voted No.1 by readers of Women’s Fitness and Daily Mail among others. Include Body Perfect capsules in your weight loss regime and they will support you to achieve your goal.

How Body Perfect can help you

High Quality Herbal Extracts
Contains the highest quality herbal extracts, including green tea, caffeine with guarana and l-tyrosine which are supported by extensive research to aid fat loss goals in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Highly Recommended
Whether it be repeat customers, diet forums, independent reviews or magazines.

Safe, natural and effective
Blended using the latest fat loss research for high strength lean body support and fast definition results

Boost your results
Use in conjunction with Skinny Water or Skinny Protein, Body Perfect will help you achieve your goals more effectively than almost anything else you have tried.

Nutritional Information

Typical Analysis: Per capsule  

Green Tea Standardised Extract
Citrus Auranthium  
Alpha Lipoic Acid 

All of these are quite common but effective fat burning ingredients. Green Tea is leading the way which I have no problem with as I think its one of the best fat burning ingredients out there.

L-Tyrosine has a myriad of health benefits. Citrus Auranthium – Bitter Orange to you and me – has had a lot of bad press recently but when used responsibly its actually a good appetite suppressant and a useful addition to most fat burners.

The Caffeine looks very under-dosed to be utilised as a fat burner but might help with alertness if the users aren’t used to caffeine.


Side Effects

£19.99 for 60 tablets or the much better value £39.99 for 180 capsules.

Body Perfect is a great fat burner but its not going to be for everyone. It is quite gently dosed as fat burners go, all the ingredients are well chosen, work well together and no doubt they are excellent quality but Body Perfect was made for a specific type of person. Its designed for women who are new to supplements. It’s an entry level fat burner for women who haven’t used one before and for those ladies it will probably work very well but more seasoned used might find it a bit too weak. Even newbies will still have to eat clean and train hard to make the most of it though – no supplements give you the excuse to be lazy in the gym or kitchen

If you are new to supplements and want a safe, gentle way to lose a few extra pounds before summer then Body Perfect would be a great place to start. The 60 tablets might be a bit expensive if you take the full 4 tablets a day so do yourself a favour and invest in the bigger tub that has 45 days in. 8.5/10