Monday, 9 November 2015

Monkey Nutrition GRO


Monkey GRO incorporates amino acids combined with hydrochloride (HCL) molecules, to increase efficacy in the body's natural production of human growth hormone. These nutrients work in synergy to maximise the potential for the secretion of anabolic hormones, which control the replication and repair of DNA & RNA, protect the liver, boost immune function and ultimately stimulate the growth and repair of muscle tissue. Using Monkey GRO whilst in a rested state will further increase the production of naturally occurring growth hormones, which increases the body’s fat reducing ability, resulting in a leaner body composition.

Nutritional Information

Per Serving
Arginine (L-arginine hcl) 400 mg  
Ornithine (L-ornithine hcl) 300 mg
Lysine (L-lysine hcl) 100 mg
Glutamine (L-glutamine hcl) 300 mg
Colostrum (bovine) 200 mg
Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate 100 mg
Glycine (L-glycine hcl) 100 mg

Sorry to disappoint you but there is no actual Human Growth Hormone in this just ingredients to help NATURALLY increase the production of HGH.

You will probably recognise Arginine, Glutamine, Lysine and Glycine but might not be familiar with the other 3:

Ornithine – amino acid that when combined with Arginine has been shown to improve strength and power
Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate – used for muscle growth
Colostrum (bovine) - cow's milk secreted during the first few days following calving. It is rich in immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines and boosts the immune system.

It seems like a good bunch of ingredients geared towards recovery more than anything else.

No taste or aftertaste with these capsules.

Side Effects

£18.99 for 60 capsules (30 days supply)

GRO is a bit of an awkward one to review because its results will vary so much from person to person. Please bear in mind that this is based off my personal experience with GRO and yours may differ.

I found GRO to be beneficial for recovery but not much else. The simple reason for this could well be that time scale that I used it for – only 30 days. Based on the nutritional breakdown there is no reason why you wouldn’t begin to see minor muscle growth if used for several months. You would of course have to still work in the gym – as always this isn’t a magic pill. Recovery times (and leg day pain) were noticeably decreased but I can’t say that I noticed any muscle growth or fat loss during the month – as I’ve said this could be due to length of the product trial.

I think GRO is priced fairly and in line with similar products. Since there are no side effects with GRO (although it won’t be kind to those of you who are lactose intolerant) if you want to take a gamble on it then it certainly won’t hurt you but if you want to see solid results beyond decreased recovery time then be prepared to use it for at least 3 months. It does come packaged with several of Monkey Nutrition’s stacks so that might be the best way to try GRO.

The fact that recovery times are noticeably decrease means that GRO is working away in the background which would give me enough confidence in the product to invest in the next bottle.


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