Tuesday, 7 July 2015

XBrain Organic Whey

 XBrain® Whey Protein Banana 900g

Here’s what XBrain have to say:

XBrain Whey Protein is an organic whey protein concentrate derived from free-range, grass-fed and hormone-free cows. XBrain Whey Protein is as natural as you can get any whey protein powder, with 98,3% organic content, where the remaining 1,7% is flavour (aroma) and natural stevia.

Nutritional Information
 XBrain® Whey Protein Banana 900g
All natural is the aim here and it is fully accomplished. This Organic Whey shake has 24.5g of free range, grass fed whey concentrate made using cold processing to retain the full benefit of the proteins profile so it can be better absorbed and used by the body.

You’ll notice that there seems to be a lot of carbs(18g) included but only 0.5g of that is Stevia and the rest is sugars from milk better known as Lactose. So this won’t be too great for the Lactose intolerant among you. Most companies remove the lactose from their whey products but XBrain don’t want to tamper with natures formula.
The banana flavour is very good and it doesn’t taste fake or chemically, it’s an actual banana taste. It’s consistency is a little watery even if you use a lot less water than advised its always thin. The flavour however is spot on and there is no aftertaste or grit.

Side Effects

£29.99 for a tub with 18 servings in.

I like what XBrain are trying to accomplish by making their products as “natural” as possible by ensuring that nothing artificial or no nasty chemicals get added in to their formulas. 98.3% of this product is organic and that is very impressive and to be applauded. The amino profile is excellent and although its not listed since this is all organic and the lactose is included it will have an excellent mineral profile as well.

The protein content can’t be questioned or argued with 24.5g of the highest quality possible whey concentrate is going to be beneficial for virtually everyone. The 17.5g of lactose is likely to be divisive amongst people some people thanks to years of conditioning that sugar is bad won’t want to see 17.5g of sugar in their daily shake (don’t worry this kind of sugar won’t make you fat!) others might have a genuine concern thanks to being lactose intolerant. XBrain have obviously opted for a very small amount of Stevia to help with sweetness which is a much better choice than sucralose. I think the profile is pretty great but it’s likely that not everyone will agree.

The taste is much better than I expected from an “Organic” product. It has a nice natural banana taste rather than a fake one with a sweet aftertaste. The price is a bit higher than I’d like to see coming in at £1.66 a serving means its not the cheapest but its not ridiculously pricey. If the organic label and top quality ingredients are important to you then I’m sure you’ll happily pay for the quality. 9/10

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