PURE Creatine Monohydrate
Bodybuilding Warehouse have this to say::
Creatine is a well known and thoroughly studied supplement within the bodybuilding world. It has been scientifically proven that Creatine Monohydrate is both safe and extremely effective at improving several areas; building lean muscle mass, increasing strength and maximising performance.
Bodybuilding Warehouse have this to say::
Creatine is a well known and thoroughly studied supplement within the bodybuilding world. It has been scientifically proven that Creatine Monohydrate is both safe and extremely effective at improving several areas; building lean muscle mass, increasing strength and maximising performance.
How does this simple ingredient achieve so much? To enable your body to achieve higher, better results it needs to tap into it's "ATP pool" ATP is a substance within your muscles enabling them to twitch, they only hold the necessary amount to function so, to enable greater potentials you need to boost the availability of ATP, you do this by taking Creatine Monohydrate which is a natural substance already found in the body, once this enters the body it turns into Creatine Phosphate, which then helps to create ATP, the substance that provides your muscles with energy to allow all of the above to take place.
It doesn't have one but it can be a bit gritty if you don't mix it properly, I recommend you mix it either in with a protein shake (post workout is my preference) or maybe some orange juice.
It doesn't have one but it can be a bit gritty if you don't mix it properly, I recommend you mix it either in with a protein shake (post workout is my preference) or maybe some orange juice.
Its Bodybuilding Warehouse so you know its going to be cheap and good quality. This is no exception it'll cost you £3.99 for 250g which a 5g a serving/per day will last you 50 days.
Side Effects
Its Bodybuilding Warehouse so you know its going to be cheap and good quality. This is no exception it'll cost you £3.99 for 250g which a 5g a serving/per day will last you 50 days.
Side Effects
I experienced some slight bloating but nothing horrendous. I didn't have an upset stomach or acne which can occur sometimes with a Creatine product.
Well its creatine as long as its good quality you won't notice much difference if you are switching from another brand except your bank balance will be healthier.
If you are new to Creatine then where have you been hiding? You will experience more muscle fullness, strength gain and it will improve your performance in the gym over time.
You should be taking Creatine all year round, it doesn't need to be cycled like some people say, this is a high quality and cheap option. 9/10
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